Hi, I'm David

    const David = new Person("David", 20, "Developer")

    /* Hi, my name is David Emiliano Gutiérrez Leal and I’m a 20 year old developer who is currently studying at Tecnológico de Monterrey.

    I’m mainly focused on web development but I am also passionate about digital signal processing in C++. My main goal is to work on projects that are not only challenging, but also beneficial to society. */

    Picture of the authorPicture of the author
    David.skills = {
    'languages': ['JavaScript', 'Typescript', 'Python', 'C++', 'Rust'],
    'technologies': ['React', 'Node.js', 'Next Js','Express', 'MongoDB', 'SQL','Git/Github', 'HTML/CSS'],
    'soft-skills' : ['Teamwork', 'Problem Solving', 'Communication', 'Creativity'],
    'hobbies': ['Guitar/Piano','Hanging out with my friends']

    My Projects!

    Press the text to see my projects